Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm Cathy Kredell. I'm tired of wishing I had the nerve to be in front of the camera, not behind it. Realizing I'm never going to achieve my perfect expectations, instead I will simply show up. Is it simple? Not really. I'm a nervous nelly but what is the alternative, not participating in what I'd like to do. Nope. Not this time.
I've created a YouTube video introduction and I hope you can understand what I am saying in this video because I'm not editing it. If I edited this I'd edit to not posting it. By watching previous videos of myself I've realized that I often don't finish my thought or complete my point because I get distracted by anything. If I've missed something please feel free to ask. I'm a work in progress, my many projects are works in progress, and right now I have a lot of home projects I'm working on but I realize I need to begin to take better care of myself because I don't want to have a stroke, heart attack, diabetes, you get it. I'm starting my YouTube channel beginning with this topic because it's where I'm at, and being a better me will improve all areas of my life, including my pottery. If you'd like to view my introduction video click here.